Phone: 888-5551212

– Piano Tuning –

Best Quality Tuning for your Piano

Tuning in private homes comprises the majority of my work. I usually use the traditional method of tuning by ear from one tuning fork. This is the method preferred by most concert artists, because it gives the most pleasant sound. I also have the latest electronic tuning equipment, and I am happy to use that method if you prefer. Please give me a call or complete a contact form, and we can arrange a time that suits you.

Most manufacturers recommend tuning at least twice a year. If your piano has gone without tuning for more than one year, it may have dropped in tension and pitch. If that is the case, please send a request for a quote, or call on the phone, and I will explain your options.

Pianos have over 200 strings with about 150 lbs. tension each. That totals around 30,000 lbs. of tension. As a result, pianos are constantly dropping in tension and in pitch. If your piano has not been tuned within 12 months, it may have dropped in pitch too much to be brought back up in one tuning. The extra tuning is required, because for every amount I raise the pitch on a string, it changes back 10-38% in ten minutes.

I am available for concert and studio tuning, as well. I have years of experience in the most demanding situations, and I have received numerous compliments on the quality of my work from performing artists.

–  Schedule a Piano Tuning today –

John Alexander, RPT
Certified Piano Tuner

I am able to stay current with the latest developments and newest techniques in the piano service trade through my attendance at seminars provided by the Piano Technicians Guild.

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